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Planning Board Minutes 09/12/05
Planning Board Minutes
September 12, 2005
Town Hall

Present:        William Meegan, Chair, Russell Walton, Edward Kenyon, Richard Osnoss, John Flender, Janet Weidner, and Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.
Public:         Brien Hefler, Vineyard Gazette and Taurus Biskis.

Mr. Meegan opened the meeting at 4:30p.m.

The minutes of August 22, 2005 and September 9, 2005 were approved with amendments.

Housing Committee Appointment:
The Board voted unanimously to appoint Josh Scott to the Housing Committee.

Meinelt Lot Release Request:
Mr. Meinelt submitted a request for the release of lots 1, 3,5 and Homesite Housing Parcel in his Mayhew-South Road Realty Trust Subdivision located off Sheep Hill Road.  Mr. Meinelt has met all criteria for the lot releases.  Mr. Walton moved to approve, Mr. Kenyon seconded. Approved unanimously and the Board signed the lot releases.

Clarification of ZBL 6.3:
Taurus Biskis Map 26 Lot 5
Mr. Biskis came before the board for clarification of the Zoning Bylaw 6.3. The bylaw states " the increased height is necessary to reproduce the architectural dimensions and form of a dwelling built in Chilmark before 1850." Mr. Biskis is seeking to build a historic house that is dated 1865 and is over the 24-foot height restriction. Mr. Biskis is seeking to build over the 24-foot restriction secondary to a high water table and the proposed use of composting toilets in addition to the design of the historical house. Mr. Biskis argument is why is he not allowed to build a dwelling that is listed in the Master Plan's Historical Listing even after it has been modified? After much discussion it was decided to send a letter to the ZBA requesting a meeting to discuss possible amendments to ZBL 6.3.

Public Hearing on ZBL Amendments:
Mr. Meegan opened the Public Hearing on the Zoning Bylaw Amendments at 5:00p.m.
Mr. Meegan read the announcement of the Amendments to the Zoning Bylaws Section 7.1 Building Cap.  There was one member of the public present, Mr. Hefler, a reporter from the Vineyard Gazette. There are currently 18 building permits per year allowed. It was requested of Ms. Cini to obtain a count of additions and alterations that are over 25% of the original structure or over 500 square feet.  The Planning Board is seeking to work on Affordable Housing and Road assessment and seeks the extension of the building cap to allow for the completion of these tasks. The Public Hearing was closed at 6:00p.m. with no comment from the public.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.